The BEST English Toffee Recipe That Everyone Will Love (2024)

My husband’s aunt makes the BESTcandy each Christmas- English toffee, peanut brittle, and homemade caramel are always abundant around this time of year. This year I am making lotsof homemade candy to pass out too, and this English toffee is always tops on my favorite Christmas candy list!

Today I’m sharing my favorite English toffee recipe that tastes amazingly delicious and is so addicting! Everyone I’ve shared this easy English toffee recipe with absolutely loves it.

How to Make English Toffee

Homemade toffee is really quite easy to make, it just takes a little patience. I’ll walk you throughthe whole process.

You don’t HAVE to have a candy thermometer to make this recipe, but it definitely will help if you do have one.

There are other ways to test if your candy is cooked to the right point, but I always find the most accurate results when I use my candy thermometer.

English Toffee Ingredients

  • butter
  • sugar
  • salt
  • semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • almonds or pecans, finely chopped

I used amix of nuts for the nuts on top of my toffee, because I like the combination of flavors.

Any nuts will work, as long as they are finely chopped.

Steps to Making English Toffee

First the butter, sugar, and salt will all go in a large heavy saucepan. Candy making requires a nice heavy pot, so use the best quality pot you have.

You’ll cook over medium heat let the mixture to come to a steady boil, stirring constantly. It’s important that you keep stirring constantly for the English toffee to turn out.

I always use a candy thermometer because I like to know for sure when my toffee is done. With candy making, you can go from done to burnt very quickly, so you want to make sure you’re at the right temperature.

Next you’ll pour the mixture into a foil-lined baking sheet. Let it sit for a minute or two, and then sprinkle on the chocolate chips.

Let them melt on top, then spread the chocolate out with a knife.

Sprinkle on the nuts. Now comes the hardest part… waiting!

Let the English toffee candy cool and harden, and then break into pieces.

How do I know when the English toffee is done?

When the temperature reaches 290-295 degrees it is ready to remove from the heat.

How can I tell if the toffee is done without a candy thermometer?

  • When the mixture turns a dark amber color it’s done.
  • Drop a small bit of the mixture into ice cold water. If the drip turns hard and brittle, it is done.

Doesn’t this homemade Enligh toffee look amazing?! This decadent Christmas candy is rich and has a nice crunch to it.

The smooth chocolate top balances the crunchy, buttery toffee and the chopped nuts on top.

You can break up this English toffee in as big or as small of pieces as you like.

This English toffee candy ais a wonderful treat to share with others, especially during Christmas and the holidays.

If I share mine with someone, then they KNOW I love them because this homemade toffee recipe is one of my absolute all time favorites!

Other Favorite Holiday Treats-

  • Chocolate no bake cookies
  • Andes mint cookies
  • Special K bars
  • Easy candy sleighs

These are my traditional go to favorite Christmas treats I make every single year without fail!

My mom made them every Christmas for us a child, then I learned to make them as a teenager, and now I’m passing on these same traditions to my children.

The BEST English Toffee Recipe That Everyone Will Love (8)

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The BEST English Toffee Recipe

Quick and easy English toffee recipe that makes rich, buttery English toffee in minutes. This easy candy recipe is perfect for Christmas or any other time of the year!

Prep Time10 minutes mins

Cook Time15 minutes mins

Total Time25 minutes mins

Course: Dessert

Keyword: candy, chocolate, Christmas, Christmas candy

Servings: 24 servings


  • 2 cups butter
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 cup almonds or pecans, finely chopped


  • Combine the butter, sugar, and salt in a large heavy saucepan. Cook over medium heat and allow the mixture to come to a steady boil, stirring constantly. When it turns a dark amber color or reaches 290 degrees with a candy thermometer, it is done. You can also drop a small bit of the mixture into ice cold water, and if the drop turns hard and brittle it is done.

  • Carefully pour the mixture into a foil-lined baking sheet. Let harden for a minute or two, then sprinkle on the chocolate chips. Let them melt on top for a minute, then spread the chocolate evenly with a knife.

  • Sprinkle on the chopped nuts and press down slightly on the nuts. Let the English tofee candy cool and harden, then break into pieces. Store in an airtight container.

Originally posted in December 2014, updated in December 2018.

The BEST English Toffee Recipe That Everyone Will Love (2024)


What's the difference between toffee and English toffee? ›

Americanized toffee may include nuts, while a completely traditional British toffee will not. On the other hand, English toffee uses pure cane sugar, brown sugar, or molasses as its sweet base and always involves chocolate.

Why is my toffee chewy and not crunchy? ›

Low and slow

Simmering the syrup for English toffee to the requisite 300°F temperature can (and should) be a slow process — up to 20 minutes or so. Don't hurry this gradual transformation; syrup that doesn't reach 300°F, or close to it, will make candy with timid flavor and chewy (not crunchy) texture.

Why add water when making toffee? ›

Adding water to sugar before caramelizing it helps it melt at a more even rate, and helps reduce the risk of crystalization. You only need to add enough water to turn the sugar into a slurry, and it all boils off as you heat the syrup.

Why does the butter separate when making English toffee? ›

If the butterfat separates out then usually this is due to the mixture being either heated or cooled too quickly, which "shocks" the mixture and causes the fat to separate out. It can also be caused by the mixture being heated unevenly (if the pan has a thin base and has hot spots).

Which toffee is most popular? ›

Parle Mango Bite Toffee

Mango bite is the oldest, popular, modest, and best toffee in India.

Should you stir toffee while cooking? ›

It's important while the toffee cooks to only stir it occasionally. Constant stirring can cause the toffee to crystallize and separate. For those of you that need to know exactly how often you should stir, I would suggest erring on the side of not stirring more than stirring.

What can go wrong making toffee? ›

Common toffee making mistakes:
  1. I started with way too high of a heat. (At least, I think this was an issue.) I set my portable cooktop at 260 degrees F.
  2. I stirred too quickly. I didn't realize this could be an issue.
  3. I didn't add a dash of salt. They say you can save a ruined batch of toffee by adding a dash of salt.
Dec 13, 2017

Why do you add baking soda to toffee? ›

Brittles and toffees accumulate small amounts of acid from the browning reactions that occur during cooking. This is one reason why the baking soda is added at the end of cooking. The soda reacts with the acid to make bubbles, and the syrup foams.

Why is vinegar added to toffee? ›

Made with just sugar and a little water, toffee is easy to make and is an easy introduction to the world of confectionary. This recipe includes a dash of vinegar which will help keep the colour of the toffee clear and bright and banish any cloudiness.

What kind of pan is best for making toffee? ›

You need a very sturdy pan which is KEY to even heat distribution. Thinner, cheaper pans can scorch the cooking candy and/or cook it unevenly. Here are some great choices: Anolon Nouvelle Copper and Cooks Standard. I own a couple pricier copper pots because of the amount of candy I make.

What does cream of tartar do in toffee? ›

Adding cream of tartar when you're making candy helps prevent the creation of sugar crystals. That's why lots of icing, syrup or candy recipes call for it: it makes it so the end product doesn't have large crunchy sugar capsules.

Is light or dark brown sugar better for toffee? ›

Taste is obvious: sweets made with dark brown sugar will have a slightly deeper flavor with those notes of caramel and toffee I mentioned.

How do you know when toffee is done? ›

Once boiling, cook, stirring only 2 to 3 times, until it turns a dark amber color and the temperature reaches 285 degrees F (137 degrees C) on a candy thermometer, 20 to 30 minutes.

How do you keep butter and sugar from separating when making toffee? ›

Rub the cube of butter around the sides of the pan before adding sugar. This will help keep sugar crystals from clinging to the sides. When adding the sugar, place it in the center of the pan to keep sugar crystals off the pan sides. During cooking, occasionally wash the sides of the pan with a brush dipped in water.

Is English toffee like butterscotch? ›

Toffee is butterscotch that has been cooked for a longer period of time. Toffee begins as a base of butter and brown sugar that is gradually cooked to the hard-crack sugar stage between 295 and 309 degrees Fahrenheit.

Why is it called English toffee? ›

The name “English toffee” comes from the crunchy “toff” sound the candy makes when you bite into it. As the candy became popular, shops began selling it under the name “English toffee” or sometimes just “toffee.”

Is English toffee hard or soft? ›

Toffee is a hard candy made by cooking a sugar syrup with butter to the hard crack stage, 300–310°F (149–154°C), and then pouring it out to cool. It can have inclusions or not, and it can be made either very dense and hard or can be lightened by adding baking soda when the candy is almost done cooking .


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